Thursday, December 17, 2009

Texting, aiming, etc.

I really dislike when I'm talking to a person on any instant messenger or texting on my cellular device and they start writing like they talk. Instead of saying want they say wont >:o that sounds so ridiculous like did you really just write that and feel okay about it. Another example instead of saying I'm about to go do whatever they say I'm finna , ugh, some people kill me!

Another thing that bugs me a lot when texting or aiming is when a person hits me up and then has nothing to talk about. That sometimes really does not get to me because I can make good conversation with any odd subject, Its when I try to make conversation and they still do not talk that bugs me. It happens all the time to , thats the killer part.

At the end of it all I still love my friends and like the new people I meet and I make the best out of it, even if there are a few annoying moments.

PS. I Hope you all have a delightful day =)

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