Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Ignore what isn't there but pretends to be

New years eve, I should be excited right? well that is not the case, another year goes by and I still feel like I have not accomplished a thing! I look around me as everyone's life moves along and they grow but I'm still a little girl stuck in a barbie sized house, why can't I just break out? For once can I move the same pace as everyone else? The sad thing, it doesn't look like I can, my doubt won't stop me from trying though.

My mind has been so frozen, my days have been replaced by people, my life has been turned right side up but I liked it better upside down. What can I do? Do I follow everyone else and see what's the life like? Or maybe I could just sleep while the years go by and we're no longer babies but adults.

This shouldn't be how the new year is starting right, I should have a positive attitude and a beautiful smile that should last for months. So, that is what I will do and somewhere along the way i'll meet someone so unexpected to enlighten me about the life I have. Hopefully, that person will stay in my life as we explore the darkness until we reach the light and after the light shines upon our dirty faces will find that the light was with us all along.

- I know this sounds like nonsense but I'm sure it really means something to someone.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Lonely World

I am here for you but who is here for me?

I wish I were a fly

my mind, hmmm what really goes in and out of it? well I do not know , my mind is like the ocean its just goes. As I was sitting here I thought of this little short nothing so i'd like to share, if thats okay with you all? =) Thanks

If you were I
would you think to fly?
or cuddle up just to die
If you were I but not really I at all
wouldn't you just cry?
better yet if you were I you'd just eat a fry
because you aren't I

-There is just no need to change when I am all I ever wanted in anyone.

The weeds that grow where your feet stand

If your dirty mind could speak, I bet it would speak a dark silence to me even though somewhere inside it wants to sing a sweet harmony.

Texting, aiming, etc.

I really dislike when I'm talking to a person on any instant messenger or texting on my cellular device and they start writing like they talk. Instead of saying want they say wont >:o that sounds so ridiculous like did you really just write that and feel okay about it. Another example instead of saying I'm about to go do whatever they say I'm finna , ugh, some people kill me!

Another thing that bugs me a lot when texting or aiming is when a person hits me up and then has nothing to talk about. That sometimes really does not get to me because I can make good conversation with any odd subject, Its when I try to make conversation and they still do not talk that bugs me. It happens all the time to , thats the killer part.

At the end of it all I still love my friends and like the new people I meet and I make the best out of it, even if there are a few annoying moments.

PS. I Hope you all have a delightful day =)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

You mean love.

While I was laying down listening to the sweet sorrows coming from my ipod a thought came and never seemed to crawl away. Romance it was, I believe many people forgot all about it. Yes, we love and yes we say I love you many times but most times its used as if its meaningless. Not that I'm such a love guru on the subject but in the world of romance and love its not just about one person or the other its about both of you as a team, its not about going out with a man/woman just because of the natural desire to love, and its definitely not about saying I love you just to make love. Its about the connection of the mind, body, and soul. A free mind , an open heart, and a permanent smile is what you should have with this person even when things take a turn for the worst. Love always seems to step out of the picture when either your pride gets in the way or your lack of maturity. Those reasons are why many people never have the chance to experience falling in love. Love may take long to come to you and you may experience broken hearts in the process of finding your happiness but do not forget the one thing that brings happiness to everyone and that's romance and love.

PS. Discovering the world in the dark isn't such a bad idea.

Just A Glimpse

A few stunning photographs I found floating around recently.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Get To Know Me.

I've been told that I'm weird for many reasons but whats so weird about a pink leaf in a forest covered in green? whats really the difference between a dog and a cat? Maybe I was always meant to be the ugly duckling in a world filled with beautiful Swans. The only things my eyes focus on is the sky and not because its always filled with strange things but because its the only place where you float around and no one looks at you different. Is this all nonsense you ask, well its only nonsense if your mind is still on butterflies. The beauty of it all , I don't mind a little salt in my water.