Monday, November 1, 2010

when I woke up the sun spoke to me, made me feel like today would be the best day then I realized this happens everyday (:

peace, love, and happiness.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

so you say you'll stay

Friends, when you think you have them it turns out it was just an illusion but what you learn is you meet a lot of people in your life some of which made a very big impression on your life and some that just didn't matter but no one ever tells you that those people won't be there forever.

The ones who do stay they're more then friends, they start to become one with you.

It says you're not real, sorry.

when I look at you I don't see your face, I don't hear the words that you speak its kind of like you're not even there. So, how can I love you? When we're together and people pass they only wave at me, is it just me or are you not real? Its like you want so much from me but I can not give my all to a plastic doll :/ I just can't.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Corinne Bailey Rae

Thursday, October 28, 2010

It's better then what you thought.

Why am I so confident about saving the world?

Love is my weapon.

I dropped a tear in the ocean, and whenever they find it I'll stop loving you, only then.

Young Forever.

I woke up this morning with the need to write something. So, here I am (:

I was thinking why people wouldn't want to grow old, me personally I love it. I love seeing what the body does and I think being old is amazing. lol I know It's a bit odd but when I see elderly people it brings me back to babies. To me we are all the most important at birth and 80 years later when we're old and people actually take the time to listen because we've been through life and back. Don't worry about staying young forever, just let life pass and you'll be just fine.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Its life I guess.

I really want to run away, at this point its like why stay. Maybe I just need to be somewhere people are not. The bad thing about the way I'm feeling is no one cares to notice, I'm there for everyone else and when I look around there is no one. So, I just keep the always happy role going :/ ehh is that getting old when you're not actually always happy.

You want to know how I feel?

Like a failure.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Friday, September 10, 2010

sometimes i'll yell just to see if anybody is listening.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Baby, I'm the chef tonight.

I'm thinking about making something new, in the kitchen of course. I love cooking but lately I've been cooking the same simple things. I want to challenge myself so I was thinking about cooking Patagonian Roasted Lamb ( I got the recipe off I've never cooked lamb nor have I eaten it but hey, It'll be an interesting first time.

wish me luck (:

ps. here's a picture of how it is suppose to look, I'll take a picture of how mine looks.

There's a lady in my backyard

Monday, September 6, 2010

Do Something: Help Animals!

Go to and find out more about animal welfare. Try your absolute best to help an animal today.

Another option, Join the WSPA. You may not be able to adopt an animal but donate, make sure they have a nice environment, medical care, etc.


Friday, September 3, 2010

Dark days

Have you ever felt like something was missing from your life and it wasn't anything simple that you could buy to substitute the feeling. It's more like dropping your heart in the ocean and knowing you'll never get it back or perhaps losing your favorite piece of jewelry that someone close/special to you gave you in a maze that is pitch black. The thought that you'll never see it again sickens you and almost sets you back emotionally.

Well, thats how I'm feeling.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Everyday Is A Love Story

Its like I can't walk past well anything without feeling that love, that beauty that keeps us going from day to day.

We be clubbin'

I had quite the adventure last night, plenty of laughs that were actually needed. I guess that's what happens when you're in a limo full of drunk people that don't think they're drunk but back to my adventure. I went to a club for my first and last time. I already knew clubs weren't for me but you never really know until you try it and although I was with people I adore and always have a blast with it was just really sad to see so many females with lack of respect for themselves. I feel like each year it only gets worse and most males don't object to what they do because they get a kick out of it, I mean its not hurting or embarrassing them. I really just have a new look at life. You hear about these things but you never care to think about them until you have the front seat, ya know?

Morals, where have you gone? Will you come back? I only ask because I think a lot of people need you right now.

BUT overall, my Sunday night was great. Oh yeah, I saw Omarion perform and I'm not the biggest fan of him and although he had all the girls in the club on him, I just wasn't convinced. I guess some celebrities you can expect exactly what you see on television.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Take time to look at the world and tell me what you see, tell me if you see the beauty and love in all of these things.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


So, I've now been on earth for 18 years! Seems so long but the way time flies it doesn't feel long at all, especially since everyone says I still look like I'm 15. I really do appreciate this life I live and have lived. I have an amazing family, The best mother in the world, She is there for me 100% and 25/8. Also, I can't forget my silly little brother that always keeps me smiling and my older sister that I miss dearly since she moved out, they all keep me moving. I have hope that from here on out my life will continue to be wonderful and all my goals will be completed. Happy Birthday to me (: Growing up is so fun.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Friday, July 23, 2010

Relationships 101: Break Ups

It really bothers me when I see a male or female saddened over a recent break up. This is how I see it, either you both were not mature enough for the relationship, emotionally ready for the relationship or it just was not meant to be. A lot of people like to force love upon themselves because they see others in love and want that same feeling but it doesn't work like that. You can never force things in life, most of the time they just happen when you least expect it and thats the fun of it all. You can never spend your life waiting or forcing, thats way too much stress. As you go along and your in relationship you may think that person is the one and HEY, they may be but when they turn out not to be all you can do is be rejoiced that you got to have that experience with that person and move on. Do not go into a depression or start to have a hatred for the opposite sex, all your accomplishing with that is building a wall that will stop you from having the love you've always dreamed of. Moral of this story is love drives us insane, it turns us into the people we've always run away from but in its own way it brings us this happiness no thing or person can stop, its worth the wait.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Little Secrets

No matter how different or very similar you all are to one another I think your all beautiful.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010



So, I was thinking, like always and I decided to start posting pictures of my everyday outfits just to give you all a feel of my style and it will be great to see what you all think. This will probably start within the next two weeks considering I don't normally post everyday because I'm busy I have to get use to this but still look out for it.

Well, I hope you all have a wonderful day (:

Sunday, June 27, 2010

I'm in loveeeee

I absolutely adore this song/video (:

Monday, June 21, 2010

Double It Up.

It doesn't take two to realize something isn't right but it takes one two to fix it.

Friday, June 18, 2010

The Beauty In The World

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tomorrow Was Yesterday

Do a cartwheel naked just because you can.

My Thoughts Take Me Away

We try to make things possible to feel like they aren't impossible knowing that truthfully what we want to do and can do never really seem to match up so why do it at all? Today I had a wonderful thought it went a little like love in a sense but then faded away just a fast as it came. Is this wrong that I feel like this at times or is it how the mind works? With all the questions I tend to have I don't really think i'll ever find out the truth, which is pretty sad at times but why be sad when you can have a lifetime filled with happiness. I'm glad I have question though, I'm glad that I don't know it all because know it alls I mean all they really know is what people don't ever really need to know. What's life without questions? BORING well thats what I think but since I've never experienced it I can not say that because it could actually be really interesting and cool to look at a flower and within 2 seconds know everything about it.

and these are my thoughts for the day, all over the place yet every word makes sense in its own way.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

One Of Those Days

I woke up this morning and I couldn't decide whether the two men in my head were right or wrong, if I wanted pancakes or waffles, paper or plastic, or if love could beat hate. So, I sat in my bed and just wrote about it but when I needed to come to a conclusion my brain froze. . .

and this was as far as I got.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Where is the love?

All I ever see and hear now a days is hate and disrespect. Why is it that our generation is so little minded and cant see what they are turning the world into? Is this suppose to be a trend to have little respect for yourself and not only yourself but others also? I really do not get it and whenever I see it I cant help but shed a tear, it saddens my soul everyday. I wake up knowing that there isn't peace here but hate and it grows a little everyday. Its slowly but surely taking over the world we know. Is there hope anymore to live a happy, peaceful, and loving life? I believe there is. Hate may be here now but it will never kill love. Love makes everything better. Love makes the little things seems so much bigger. Even if you feel like there isn't much love left in the world remember love is only gone when you forget about it.

It will always be peace and love.

Friday, April 30, 2010


what do you do when you look around and the only person you see is you?

I think I just woke up dazed and confused

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I've gotten lost in the jungle plenty of times before

(via FashionGoneRogue)